Archivi del giorno: Ottobre 28, 2010

SHAC activists convicted and imprisoned (UK)

x On 25th October six British SHAC campaigners were convicted on charges related to their role in the campaign against Huntingdon Life Sciences. Alfie Fitzpatrick was given a 12 month sentence suspended for 2 years. Sarah Whitehead received 6 … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in presxs | Commenti disabilitati su SHAC activists convicted and imprisoned (UK)

Greece – Solidarity to Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle on hunger strike since 9 October

NOT ALONE Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle and on remand in Trikala Prison, began a hunger strike on 9 October with the ‘outrageous’ claim be transferred to Korydallos prison in order to see his 22-month-old twin children. The vindictiveness … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in presxs | Commenti disabilitati su Greece – Solidarity to Kostas Gournas, member of Revolutionary Struggle on hunger strike since 9 October

Torino – Palazzo occupato sotto sgombero

Da Radio Blackout 105.25 fm, 28.10.10 Palazzo occupato, corso Regina Margherita 128 Torino sotto sgombero. I ragazzi sono sul tetto e resistono al freddo. Portate solidarietà a chi resiste.

Pubblicato in azioni dirette | Commenti disabilitati su Torino – Palazzo occupato sotto sgombero

Argentina – Policía de Viedma asesina a joven mapuche por la espalda

por Adrian Moyano, 27.10.10 Cuando todavía no cerraron las heridas por la Masacre de Bariloche, los uniformados rionegrinos se cobraron otra víctima: Guillermo Trafiñanco. Ser pibe, pertenecer a los sectores populares y de condición mapuche, se torna cada vez más … Continua a leggere

Pubblicato in General | Commenti disabilitati su Argentina – Policía de Viedma asesina a joven mapuche por la espalda